
The Stables Pilates Studio is based in Colney behind the Spire hospital in a little patch of countryside; next to the Church with views down to the river; with bird song from the church yard next door, it is a light sunny space for you to train in.


Our aim as  teachers is to make this wonderful form of exercise accessible and manageable for everyone while still maintaining the essence of the original classical mat programme devised by Joseph Pilates. Clients are introduced to the principles of Pilates, with exercises modified where necessary but ultimately to build up strength and stamina. We work towards achieving the more challenging exercises in the original programme.

Practising Pilates is a continual learning process - there is always more to understand about the method and ways to enhance the movement - but you will reap the benefits of a stronger, more flexible, toned and graceful body along the way.

Our Team

Lindsay Rose

I have been practising Pilates since 2002 and teaching since 2004. I had no background of dance or fitness but simply started taking Pilates classes after physio advice and was immediately impressed by the effect it had on my hypermobile body.

I was employed to teach for a Tier Three Service within the NHS until I  resigned after COVID. I was part of the Global Diagnostic Specialist Back Pain Team for 10 years as well as previously providing Matwork classes for Spire Physiotheraphy Outpatients Norwich. 

I trained orginally with the Body Control Pilates Association (www.bodycontrol.co.uk). I then went on to qualify in Studio Equipment and Classical Matwork through the  Contrology Studios in Chipperfield, Hertfordshire . The Contrology Studio has rebranded to become the Centre of Spatial Medicine. The Centre specialises in working in the classical traditions of Pilates combined with Thomas Myers' Anatomy Trains. Integrating fasical connections with Pilates, this enables you to understand your own movement patterns.

I have qualified with Spiraldynamik MovementMed Course Intermediate.This three year course is well known throughout Europe where GP's work with physiotherapists, movement specalists and massage therapists to maximise the patients movement potential.

I am also qualified as a Level 3 Pilates Advanced Instructor, to take GP Referrals and as a Level 4 Exercise Specialist for Obesity and Diabetes on the Register of Exercise Professionals (www.exerciseregister.org).

Heather Brannen

I've been practising Pilates since 1999 and teaching from 2007.  Qualified with Body Control Pilates in London. I am certified in both mat and Pilates equipment. I continued my studies to improve my knowledge of chronic low back pain. Qualifying as a Level 4 Low Back Pain Exercise Specialist in 2014.

?Over the past 15 years teaching, I  have been working mainly in London at Studio's including The Body Control Pilates Studio in Covemt Garden and with physiotherapists including ESPH in East Dulwich. I reloacted to Norwich in 2019. 

My focus is to help clients acheive efficient and functional movement.  Improving their posture, flexibility and strength and to help relieve stress and tension. 

As well as holding the Back4GoodPractioner I hold additional qualifications in : 

              Pilates for Bone Health

              Pilates for Breast Cancer

            Slings/ Myofascial training

I am committed to furthering my own development. 



Stables Pilates Studio            

                                                        Body Control Pilates is a Registered Trade Mark used under licence.